Hi there! Nice to meet you! πŸ‘‹

<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/user-female.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/user-female.png" width="40px" /> My name is Alena and I am so excited to share my journey with you. I graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in Biomedical Engineering and landed a job as a Research and Development Engineer in the medical device industry. While working, I discovered my passion for programming and began teaching myself how to create fun projects.

Last year, I made some significant career and personal decisions that changed my life. I was fortunate enough to attend the Software Development Essentials and Full Stack Development boot camps full-time, which gave me a more in-depth understanding of computer science fundamentals and web development process. The more I learned, the more amazed I was by how versatile and impactful this field was. I found it fascinating and wanted to explore it further.

I'm currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, and this semester (Fall 2023) has been phenomenal. I got a chance to dive deeper into Software Development Process to learn about Software Development Lifecycle and Architecture Design, and some useful tools to improve software’s reliability and security. I'm also taking Database System Concepts and Designs, where the puzzle pieces of the concepts that I was not fully understand in Fullstack boot camp seem to finally come together, helping me understand how to effectively design database. It’s been challenging but an incredibly rewarding learning experience with many "aha" moments. I'm thrilled about where my career path is heading and look forward to combining my traditional engineering skills with tech to explore all the possibilities.
